Wingard RV satellite system

Wingard RV satellite system

Now I think it’s fair to say that most RV’s have the Wingard RV satellite system installed as standard. I know that some have the in-motion dome system but by far the most popular is the Wingard RV satellite system.

Wingard RV Satellite Dish

Wingard RV Satellite Dish


For the life of me I can’t understand why RV manufactures do not install as standard the auto stow cable.



Wingard RV satellite system stow cable

On roof Satellite dish

On roof Satellite dish

You have to remember to physically press and hold the stow button on the Winguard receiver until it says” stowing”.

Thankful only once I have I forgotten to put the dish down. Leaving a campsite early one morning we joined the Interstate at around 65-70 MPH.  I suddenly pulled to the hard shoulder and Yes I had forgotten to stow the satellite dish. I was approaching a bridge that made me think better safe than sorry, so we stopped and sure enough we had left the dish up. This can cause serious damage to not only the RV and the dish but could also cause an accident for any one traveling behind you.

The auto stow system is mandatory in Europe.

Satellite dish stowed

Satellite dish stowed

The fact that our satellite was nearly ripped of our roof which would have caused massive damage to the roof and dish not to mention the danger for traffic following behind. I decided to make contact with Winged, only to find out there is a simple cable available that can be installed that will stow the dish when 12 volts is applied (ignition switch).

How easy would this be when manufacturing and Rv, probably another 5 mins work.

The cable in question cost $47.00

Wingard Stow Cable

Satellite stow cable

Great News

We have had Entegra install the cable for us (at a charge) which will make life a lot easier and safer.

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