National Indoor RV Centres
National Indoor Rv Centre
This is one of the most impressive dealers we have come across so far in the USA. Professional, Thorough, and very very knowledgable. When you have traveled the length and width of the Rv and have had as many issues as we have had you soon get to know that most (based on our experience) are absolutely useless, and it would appear that most of these companies operate with no real trained staff and seem to get away with it. This really shouldn’t be allowed as apart from the safety aspect, they are working on vehicle of extreme high value.
NIRVC specialise in storage, service and sales and have branches in Phoenix , Atlanta, Texas and soon to be Florida. Tadd Jenkins has just been announced as the new president of NIRVC so it can only get better (if that’s possible).
National Indoor RV Centres (recent RV trade editorial)

National Indoor RV Centres
You know, people have often asked in the past who our greatest competitor is, and I’ve always felt it was Disneyworld or other recreational activities. “I figure people are going to recreate, and if we don’t give them that absolute paramount amazing experience they will recreate in some other fashion, and we can’t afford that as an industry,” said Jenkins, a co-founder in 1992 of Bish’s RV Center in Idaho Falls, Idaho. “And being affiliated with National Indoor RV Centers, we get to deliver on that promise over time. That’s what I’m most excited about – to help take an industry that I love to the next level.” NIRVC’s service-centric business model, cultivated by an executive team of “very experienced businessmen inside and outside the RV industry,” hinges on providing customers with a white-glove, all-inclusive experience, a concept largely borne out of Davis’s own frustrations as a motorhome owner since the mid-1980’s. NIRVC’s game plan also calls for well lighted and secure storage space for at least 300 units at each store plus customer-friendly valet service and plenty of trained service technicians. “Our slogan is ‘We Do It All,’ allowing owners to just pick up and drop off their coaches and let us handle the rest including prepping the coach before they take off on a trip,” said Davis, whose firm is a leading Entegra Coach and Newmar dealer. “When a customer calls, we check the tires, fill the fresh water tank and basically have it ready to go. When they return, they give us a list of everything they want done – which at times is quite lengthy – and any service issues including factory warranty or extended service plan work. It’s truly turnkey. “We also developed a barcoding system to track each coach in storage and also to list any service requests,” added Davis. “Early on, that was a huge priority, and what we use now is pretty sophisticated. When we store a coach, it is equipped with a scan plug that identifies where it’s located and also all the work that the customer wants done. Our employees can use their cell phones to scan the bar code and retrieve all that information.” In addition to on-site service, NIRVC also works with its customers once they’re on the road. “If a customer has a problem on the road, we encourage them to call us first,” said Davis. “We have a different team on call every night so they can almost always get through to a technician. A lot of times it’s an issue that can be handled with a work-around over the phone. In a small amount of cases we have to resort to get them help, and will help them find people in the area that can do the work. “It’s all part of being the all-in-one solution for our customers. Our mission is to remove the hassles at every turn so that RVers can enjoy their coach.
National Indoor RV Centre in Texas
Hey Glen
Great video. I enjoyed following you adventure across country. My wife and I are interested in by an rv. I’m looking forward to email you to get your opinion about the best company and type to get for us.
When you are ready, just send me a mail
love your videos. waiting for more
don’t think I would buy an rv like yours
I would get a Newmar
Are you in the market for a new one?
My wife Becky and I could not agree with you more on your assessment of
NIRVC in Atlanta. We live in the Charlotte NC area and have a Newmar Canyon Star on order from there now. Tony Morse and Bobby could not have been anymore accomidating. After a visit to the Newmar factory and the Tampa RV show we solisted prices and visited with five Newmar dealers. NIRVC was not the low price but very competitive. But like you we were very impressed with their facility and “customer first” business model. Most other dealerships we visited seemed “used car lot” like. They insisted that we test drive units, and after our final decision they worked with tirelessly with Becky on interior colors and special orders. The ordering process was just as painless and we are looking forward to a May delivery. Our plan is to have all our service work done there in Atlanta, 3.5 hours from Charlotte, and when we upgrade it will be with them.
Becky and I have enjoyed following you and Julia on your travels and maybe we’ll cross RV paths someday.
Hi you two
Great news regarding your new RV, I know you will be over the moon with the service you receive from NIRVC. You’ll be in good hands I can assure you of that.
Lets hope our paths cross so that we can share a bottle of wine (or a case of beer)
all the best to you both with your new coach.
Glenn & Julia
I really enjoy your videos, keep them coming. I just wanted to add a plug for Transwest Truck and RV. They offer the same professional service you talk about in your blog, they are located in Colorado and the Kansas City area and have the ability and knowledge to work on the high end luxury coaches.
Hi Herbert
Thanks for your e-mail, maybe we should collate a list of the best and worst dealers in the US… Thanks for the info.
Glenn: I met Angie Morell today. She is the young lady who does the YouTube videos for NIRVC. She was aware of your video review and I took the opportunity to suggest to her that at the very least NIRVC should give you a free oil change!
What a nice gesture, I need to catch up with Angie but the problem is that I’ll now be on the East cast starting at Florida so not sure when that will happen.
Thanks for mentioning our video